Motorcycles and Me:
I passed the test to get a learner's permit, and it wasn't long before I found a bike that I liked. I showed it to my Dad who also liked it. A couple of weeks later, I had my bike, and my Dad had a motorcycle learner's permit. :-)
We took the MSF course together, and I took my test a little while later. As of right now, my Dad has his motorcycle license, as does my younger brother!
I'm not sure why I bought my first bike, but I know why I bought the rest! There's nothing quite like watching
the road swim lazily beneath your tires as you lean back in the saddle, listening to the powerful throbbing
of the exaust note; or hugging the tank, sliding off to the side of the
bike, twisting the throttle more and more, leaning through a curve, as the road
flashes by, inches from your leg.
If you've experienced either one of these feelings, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, I highly recommend you try it for yourself. As long as you excersize caution and common sense, we can always use another motorcyclist.
I used to have the "Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club" above link
to the DoD FAQ, but I've replaced it with Cameron Simpson's excellent DoD
page. However, since I am after all, the KotWitDoDFAQ, it'd probably be
negligent of me to not have a pointer to it somewhere on my pages. It
that's what you're after, point yerself right here.