XColorSel's "About" Window
(1) The Comment Button
Use this button to send comments, bugs, and exorbitant job offers to
XColorSel's author. This button will bring up an
xterm window running
mail. Type in your comments, and when you are done, either type a
. (period ) as the first character in a line, or press ^D (Control-d).
If you prefer vi, type ~v (tilde and v) as the first 2 characters of
a line, and press enter. When you exit vi, you will be back in the
mail window, and you still must type a . or ^D to send the message.
Type ^C (Control-c) twice to kill the message before it is sent.
(2) The Close Button
This button will close the "About" window.
Jon N. Steiger / stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu / SUNY College at Fredonia